Private Sessions
A Private Session with Leah is a safe, supportive, loving space. It is a place for heightened self-reflection, where she can reveal aspects of your self that you may not be able to see alone. Private Sessions help you recreate yourself using the power of your heart and breathe. If you have recently been through, or are currently experiencing, a major change in your life and identity, Leah can help guide you as you rework the fabric of your self. You have the capacity to gain clarity and build the energy needed to mend and move through any obstacle you are current experiencing.
Private sessions are also helpful if you have been stuck in difficult patterns of emotion for a long period of time. Learning how to use the power of your heart and breath to integrate and heal internal anguish or pain will provide you with a reliable resource that you can draw upon for the rest of your life.
Leah is an expert in understanding how people operate emotionally and energetically. She uses this experience and her expertise in Heart Rhythm Meditation to provide you with tools to heal and recreate yourself.
What is a session like?
You may schedule a session with Leah via phone, online video, or in-person. You can share what is on your heart, what your obstacles are, and what you desire for yourself and your life. Leah will guide a process of reflection so you can explore together your inner workings at a deeper level. Throughout the session she will help you find inspiration and insight where there was none, and help you feel the love and truth that resides at the core of your being.
At the end of each session, Leah will suggest a Heart Rhythm Meditation technique that is specific to your growth. These can range from simple practices like paying attention while you take three full breathes, to much more advanced meditation practices. These practices will support your desires for accomplishment, and help integrate your emotional and energetic experiences. Due to her expansive knowledge and training, Leah can truly tailor a practice for you. The practices you take home become your own internal medicine and fuel for well-being, transformation, and development.
Common reasons for a Private Session:
Working with or towards a fundamental identity shift
Strengthening your sense of self through self-empowerment
Overcoming anxiety or depression
Re-centering after a major life change
Healing from heartbreak, loss, or bereavement
Increasing your capacity to experience, give and receive love
Stabilizing in the mists of chaos
Embodying mysticism through direct experience